Oh my god!! On the news today they said gas prices might jump to $2.50 this summer! I mean it was such big news that our local FOX channel had a lady standing infront of a gas station and reporting (thank god the gas was only $2.19 - better stock up now!)
Are you fucking stupid America? Okay, I'll break this down for you.
* 1,000,000 years ago a dinosaur has to die in a bog
* millions of years of pressure squeeze the bio-matter into oil
* a survey team with millions of dollars of equipment comb the fucking scortching desert to find the oil
* They might even be wrong a few times and waste a bunch of money
* Then the oil is discovered and a massive operation is built to tap the source
* Once the oil starts pumping it is put into a pipeline (oh they have to build that too)
* The pipline takes the oil to huge containers near the sea
* Oh and people have to protect these with their army so fuckwits like Saddam don't burn them down
* Then it is pumped on to a super-tanker (which must be a couple hundred million a copy)
* Then the ship and her whole crew sail to the US
* Then the oil goes to a refinery (by pipeline or truck)
* Then the oil is refined by a bunch of people at some super fucking expensive place
* Then it is put on to trucks and shipped to 7-11 (the truck driver gets paid)
* Then you pump the gas and pay Rajneesh (he gets a cut too)
After all of that - all of those people it is fucking $2.19!!! Are you kidding? It should be like $400 a gallon. But no we bitch and complain. My commute is 60 miles a day - my car gets roughly 30 miles/gallon so a $1 increase in gas costs me $2 a day. So there is some impact.
So this is the big complaint $2? Let's get some TV crews on the scene fast!! You fucking idiots! You pay $4.25 for a fucking Chai Latte-chino every goddamn day!!! To make this they do this -
* Some kid picks some beans and gets paid with a bowl of rice
* The beans are shipped to 'bucks
* A dude making minimum wage grinds them and gives them to you
Somehow this is worth $4.25 and no one complains. God I will fucking throat punch the next reporter at a gas station - get your shit over to StarBucks - that is where the news is. Dammit - am I the only person that is thinking this??