Guinness Book of World Records*
In case you didn't hear - this year was the first year *ever* that 2 "African American" coaches went to the Super Bowl at the same time. Of course you heard - the fucking media was falling all over themselves to tell you. I fucking hate politically correct white America. Here is the problem - they are not being politically correct. They are being patronizing assholes.
It is fucking shameful that in my parent's lifetime that people in this country (the gretest country on earth) had to use a different drinking fountain. Are you kidding me? I will fucking punch every old person I see. Seriously old people WTF?
Well that all changed - and it is fantastic. Except now the media feels compelled to artificially insert race anywhere that they perceive it to be positive. Just fucking leave it alone. Perhaps this was the first year that 2 uncircumsized coaches made it to the Super Bowl. No one hit that angle - but it might be true. Maybe Barack Obama is the first guy with an apendectomy to be a major canidate in the presidential race. They don't report this - because that is not their agenda. Their agenda is to insult and entire race by reporting over and OVER each time someone from that race does something. Again this is patronizing and it drives a wedge deliniating *those* people from "us". If you want to track every African American achievement give them their own Guinness Book of World Records. Anything they haven't done (longest ski jumper) lets fucking get someone on it - get it in the books and fucking end this bullshit.