(I am back and we have some things to discuss. Can't... control.... anger!"

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I am too retarded to catch up

I was in training last week - so I couldn't blog. But even worse - I couldn't read blogs!!! Well, here is the deal. I read at a 4th grade level (Alabama 4th grade - not one of the good states). So catching up is really hard. My favorite blog is 15 Minute Lunch - I love to read it - but goddammit Johnny V. can pump out content. I did some calculations (My SAT math was 210 points higher than my verbal) and I have determined that unless Johnny V. dies - I will not be able to catch up. This is unlikely - because he is all fit and healthy and stuff and I just ate a butter slathered roll, 3 cookies and a bucket of potato cheese soup. So I am going to die and never read all of the funny shit. If you read Johnny V.'s stuff please feel free to post highlights as responses to this post. Then I will feel connected again.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, JV pumps it out! I usually save his for later in the day when I've got writer's block or something. Always funny, always looooooong.

1:31 PM

Blogger Torrence said...

We thought you ran off b/c Virgil and I had our very own AIM convo! I save his posts for lunch, or the end of the day. Just as long as you didn't skip over the shaved beaver story, I think you are good to go.

4:24 PM

Blogger Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

It's all good. I can't keep up either so I view his site through this new blog site:


8:11 AM

Blogger Twisted Lady said...

WOW! I just ate that same exact lunch.

12:55 PM

Blogger John said...

I didn't really read the post but I can confirm the title.

10:26 PM

Blogger TheUltimateCyn said...

I love a good new blog read! Thanks! Yours rocks too, keeps me laughing!

4:43 PM

Blogger Weary Hag said...

Scott, phew, I made it back. You won't even believe the crap I've been through to finally get to your blog again. Weeks ago, for some reason every time I clicked the link to you in my bookmarked sites, it would only take me to the Blogger sign-in site! This pissed me off to no end.
Finally, in a moment of blonde bliss (which doesn't happen all too often) I realized for some reason, AOL won't talk to your blog. Sooo I opened IE separately and voila! Here you are.
Anyway... so glad to be back here and glad to see you're catching up!
(now off to do some catching up myself)

9:09 AM


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